Polldaddy Hack Script Code

Polldaddy Votes Hack 2. I’ve released the source- code if anyone wants to work on it. Source code: Polldaddy. Proof- of- concept: Seeing as how people were having difficulties using the CLI Polldaddy Hack tool I decided to make a GUI that would make it faster to not only gather the correct Poll answers but to also submit votes faster. The next step was to start up a Python script to spam the. Do you mind creating me a customized script? The code works but does not.
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Sept 2014. Sep 25, 2015 - 5:49 pm One of my best friends siblings had been in a poll competition on a popular blog. He has been doing alright, but he wasn't close up to the prospect. I thought I'd discover if it has been feasible to enhance his figures a bit. The poll in question was applied by PollDaddy.
I confused out the data, but this will be what the stuck poll form appears like: The first step was to discover the Website that it had been embedding from. That method it removes all of the additional loading aspects of the blog page. Luckily, in the HTML right after the div containing the type was a element. Poll issue? I mentioned down the poll #, and proceeded to go to that Web link. The next step had been to submit the type, and appear at the data in Fiddler (a great device for observing web connections). I observed that it was asking for a Website address, of this type: /vote.php?va=30pt=0r=0p=(poll #)a=(answer #)%2Co=t=(arbitrary)small=(random token)pz=(random code) The 'answer #' has been easily extracted by searching at the worth for that checkbox.
The sleep of the info I noticed was stored in the 'Vote' switch under the 'data-vote' details.except for 'pz', which has been weirdly in a concealed input industry. The next step had been to start up a Pythón script to junk mail the hell out of it. I established up a Pythón script to make use of demands to demand the unique page, clean the 'data-vote' information into an variety, clean the 'pz' worth from the concealed input, and build the Web address.
Then, I acquired it demand that Web link. It immediately ran into a problem.
When you send the form usually, you're sent straight to /poll/(poll #)/?watch=resultsmsg=votéd. With thé script, however, it had been redirecting to /poll/(poll #)/?look at=resultsmsg=revotedstokenFound.
Therefore something was wrong. I extracted all of thé headers from thé legitimate request, and compelled Python to use that header. Now it went through!
I had been getting somewhere. Regrettably, after 20 demands, it would cease working once again. The 'revoted' information would show up, and no additional ballots would end up being made. I thought that it was probably ending my IP bécause of the quickness of demands, and looked into getting Python't 'requests' component to made up its IP deal with. After 30 minutes of no achievement, on a impulse I tried operating the script once again, and it had been working! Therefore that designed that the server was simply preventing for a even though before permitting more ballots.
After some trial and mistake, I found that making it rest for 3 seconds after every demand, and then resting for 60 seconds once it has been blocked was a great point. I didn't want to harass their servers, and 60 seconds seemed like the period to allow it back again in. That avérages out to 1 election every 5.4 seconds. If you would like to appear at the script, or use it yourself, it.
Over 4.5 hrs, he increased by 3000 ballots, and proceeded to go on to earn. PollDaddy'beds a great solution for informal polls, but don't make use of it if you put on't would like scripts to vote effortlessly and quickly. 30 feedback. Anonymous April 27, 2015 - 4:15 are I'm puzzled as to what exactly I should become changing in the script. Anonymous Oct 27, 2015 - 4:22 feel I'm not actually a coder so I wear't understand what I'm carrying out.
Do you mind generating me a customized script? - Seeking to improve Josh Parrish - Make sure you answer to this remark soon:). Alex November 15, 2015 - 11:16 pm In the vote.py script, arranged the pollid, answérid, and numberofvotes factors, and after that run it. The pollid is definitely the amount in the Web address (in your case, 9146634), the answerid can become found by inspecting component on the chéckbox for the individual you wish to vote for, and looking at the worth. Anon November 20, 2015 - 12:41 pm Hello there. How many votes do you put on numberofvotes adjustable?.
Amara November 20, 2015 - 12:44 pm Is definitely this working? Please someone answer me.
Shannah November 29, 2015 - 12:35 pm wow. Cool, wanna give it a try out. Shannah November 29, 2015 - 1:49 evening Hello there there. I attempted you're code but appears not operating on quarry, or I'm just really not familiar on how to use python. Would you brain assisting me make sure you?.
TruthSeeker Scar 9, 2016 - 1:57 pm Initial of all BIG Thanks a lot to Alex fór this Python Script. It still functions. It got me a bot of work to recognize what to perform. So right here are usually the instructions to assist others: 1) Go to the link in GitHub and obtain the script 2) change the vote.py document making use of notepad and enter the beliefs for pollid, answérid and numberofvotes 3) pollid and answerid can end up being thought out this way. Proceed to the polldaddy poll page.
Click on on View Page Supply and look for something Iike this:, whére xxxxx is definitely the real Poll #, Today, look for something Iike this PDIanswerYYYYYYYY. Writé down xxxxx ánd yyyyyy. They are usually the pollid and answerid respectively to be moved into in the election.py document. Save the file. Make certain it can be ended up saving as vote.py file not vote.txt file:-) 4) Right now you require to download Pythón 2.7.6 for windows - get it from 5) Install Python 6) right now proceed and get a power known as PIP. Go get this from:.Create certain it can be.py and not.txt 7) install it: d: python27 python get-pip.py 8) set up the 'demands' package deal. No want to donwload it.
D: python27 scripts pip install requests 9) all fixed now. Start ->Python 2.7 ->Nonproductive 10) File ->Open ->election.py 11) Operate ->Work Module or press Y5 12) good good luck with your polls. Wish you win. Thanks once again Alex. Marcos Mar 23, 2016 - 11:23 pm Perform you possess a tutorial to discover the factors with fiddler?.
Tes Apr 8, 2016 - 1:54 i am I was always obtaining the response Locked. Resting for 60 secs., any way to resolve this problem. Maria Monthly interest 29, 2016 - 7:13 pm Same as Tes, it generally says it's secured. Ey April 30, 2016 - 12:23 pm Traceback (nearly all recent call final): File 'Chemical: Python27 election.py', collection 1, in transfer requests, re also, json, period ImportError: No component named demands.i dont obtain this. Alex Might 2, 2016 - 10:00 pm @Marcos: You shouldn't want Fiddler.
You should be capable to get the information from the site by simply checking the HTML. TruthSeeker'beds opinion should become adequate to find it if my article was not. @Ey, you require to include the demands module. Operate 'pip install demands', or look up online how to add the 'demands' component. kaliboy May 31, 2016 - 3:29 are to set up requests is definitely very easy.
Basically download demands from right here Extract the downloaded go, locate the root of your python folder, open up it - locate folder lib - copy the folder requests from the unzippéd folder of demands and paste in thé Lib foIder. This should now work. Doesn'testosterone levels issue if you are using mac pc or windows and should end up being the exact same thing with linux. Mark May 31, 2016 - 11:11 are It usually states 'Locked'. Tag May 31, 2016 - 11:14 am Any answer for 'Secured' information??
It don't election. Tim doerr Jul 5, 2016 - 9:11 pm anyone interested in assisting me on poly vote. Worthy of 50.00 via PayPal.
Marcos Jul 16, 2016 - 3:26 pm The code functions but will not raise the votes in the poIl. shibabz Sep 2, 2016 - 2:24 feel thank you. Sep 27, 2016 - 1:00 evening awesome! Anyway we could established this to eliminate a election for a stipulated entry? Lol. B Oct 5, 2016 - 10:06 evening I'meters obtaining this error.
I'michael a comprehensive noob. Attempting to understand. Hope somebody can assist. I followed truthseeker kaliboy guidelines. I'm not optimistic I set up PIP requests package correctly. I just replicated pasted it in the place they said to?
Any help would end up being greatly appreciated. Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:24) MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) on earn32 Type 'copyright', 'credit' or 'permit' for even more info. >>>RESTART >>>Traceback (most recent contact last): Document 'M: Customers msusprtn Desktop computer election1.py', line 100, in getallproxies Document 'C: Users msusprtn Desktop vote1.py', series 31, in getallproxies f = open up('proxy.txt', 'r') IOError: Errno 2 No such document or directory: 'proxy.txt' >>>.
girl March 24, 2016 - 7:31 evening I think people are usually getting the locked message because their ip deal with has currently been used as soon as and PollDaddy is certainly obstructing it on the 2nd utilization of that IP. Consider making use of a VPN to obtain a fresh IP and consider working the code again. It will vote once and locking mechanism thereafter. I thought the the proxy.txt document would get around this obstruction but it looks like PollDaddy is certainly ignoring the proxy ip'h in the text message file.
A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:59 am hello, i'meters obtaining this error information: 'Locked. Sleeping for 60 mere seconds.' After 60 seconds, the exact same thing happens. I'm not as well certain why it'h performing this. I asked yourself if it has been to perform with biscuits, so i erased all of thosé, but the problem persists. I enjoy all the function you've done currently, but if you had the time to help an idiot that would end up being very much valued.
A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:39 pm hello once again. I invested some even more time searching at this today.
I noticed that the próxy.txt and uséragent.txt data files on my computer didn't match up the types on github (in reality, they were the exact same). I got right-clicked ánd saved-ás, but this wásn'capital t a good idea. I proceeded to go into the 'uncooked' tab for each txt document on github and duplicate and pasted those beliefs into the txt documents on my pc, expecting to end up being triumphal. I still obtain the same problem. shibabz December 6, 2016 - 11:54 feel im getting secured for 60 seconds after effectively voted (time 1).
Will be there a method to make this function?. The Physician December 6, 2016 - 1:21 pm Syntax mistake invalid format line 5. Future Dec 26, 2016 - 5:47 am Thanks a lot for the script. To create it function in python3, we require to change xrange to range. We furthermore require to adjust the lines involving print out. Print out'ABCDEFG' need to end up being changed to print('ABCDEFG').
ROSIE December 27, 2016 - 12:19 was how to avoid the time if poll daddy has lapse period before you cán revote?. Midhun January 16, 2017 - 2:28 are can we use this script by adjusting parameters for this site. Jimmy Jack Jan 25, 2017 - 4:33 pm Thanks! Works well making use of your instructions combined with TruthSeeker's post. Does the script by default cycle through the proxiés and useragents? Cán I include proxies to the TXT document?
Also noticed I can just vote 25 times and after that it fastens it out for about 180 secs.
Apr 2018. Mar 2018. Jan 2018.
November 2017. October 2017. Sept 2017. August 2017.
Summer 2017. Might 2017. March 2017. February 2017. January 2017. Dec 2016. October 2016.
September 2016. Aug 2016. August 2016. Dec 2015. Nov 2015. Oct 2015. September 2015.
August 2015. September 2015. Summer 2015.
May 2015. Apr 2015. Walk 2015. Oct 2014. Sept 2014. Sep 25, 2015 - 5:49 pm One of my greatest friends siblings had been in a poll competitors on a well-known blog.
He had been doing alright, but he wasn't close up to the business lead. I believed I'd see if it had been probable to improve his figures a little bit. The poll in query was used by PollDaddy. I blurred out the data, but this is certainly what the embedded poll form looks like: The first step was to discover the Website address that it had been embedding from. That method it eliminates all of the various other loading elements of the blog page. Fortunately, in the HTML right after the div containing the type was a element. Poll issue?
I observed down the poll #, and went to that Web address. The next step had been to send the type, and look at the data in Fiddler (a excellent tool for seeing web connections). I observed that it was asking for a URL, of this form: /vote.php?va=30pt=0r=0p=(poll #)a=(answer #)%2Co=t=(random)token=(random token)pz=(random code) The 'reply #' has been easily removed by searching at the worth for that checkbox. The sleep of the information I observed was stored in the 'Election' key under the 'data-vote' details.except for 'pz', which has been weirdly in a concealed input industry. The following step had been to begin up a Pythón script to junk e-mail the hell out of it.
I set up a Pythón script to use demands to ask for the authentic page, scrape the 'data-vote' info into an array, clean the 'pz' value from the hidden input, and create the Web address. After that, I had it request that Web address. It instantly ran into a issue. When you submit the form normally, you're sent straight to /poll/(poll #)/?look at=resultsmsg=votéd. With thé script, nevertheless, it had been redirecting to /poll/(poll #)/?watch=resultsmsg=revotedstokenFound.
Therefore something had been incorrect. I extracted all of thé headers from thé valid request, and pressured Python to make use of that header. Right now it went by means of! I had been getting somewhere. However, after 20 requests, it would cease working once again.
The 'revoted' information would display up, and no further ballots would end up being produced. I thought that it had been probably stopping my IP bécause of the acceleration of demands, and looked into getting Python's 'requests' module to make-believe its IP deal with. After 30 mins of no achievement, on a whim I attempted operating the script again, and it has been working! So that supposed that the machine was simply blocking for a while before enabling more ballots. After some test and error, I found that making it sleep for 3 mere seconds after every request, and after that resting for 60 secs once it had been blocked had been a great point. I didn't wish to harass their hosts, and 60 seconds appeared like the time to permit it back in.
That avérages out to 1 vote every 5.4 secs. If you wish to appear at the script, or use it yourself, it. Over 4.5 hrs, he increased by 3000 ballots, and went on to earn. PollDaddy't a great alternative for casual polls, but wear't make use of it if you wear't would like scripts to vote quickly and quickly. 30 comments. Anonymous April 27, 2015 - 4:15 am I'meters baffled as to what specifically I should become replacing in the script. Anonymous March 27, 2015 - 4:22 in the morning I'michael not really a coder so I don't understand what I'm performing.
Do you mind creating me a personalized script? - Wanting to boost Josh Parrish - Please remedy to this remark soon:). Alex Nov 15, 2015 - 11:16 pm In the vote.py script, fixed the pollid, answérid, and numberofvotes factors, and then run it. The pollid can be the number in the Website (in your case, 9146634), the answerid can become discovered by checking element on the chéckbox for the individual you want to vote for, and searching at the value.
Anon November 20, 2015 - 12:41 evening Hello. How many votes did you place on numberofvotes adjustable?. Amara Nov 20, 2015 - 12:44 evening Is certainly this working? Please somebody answer me. Shannah Nov 29, 2015 - 12:35 evening wow. Cool, wanna give it a try. Shannah November 29, 2015 - 1:49 pm Hi there there.
I tried you're code but seems not working on quarry, or I'm just actually not familiar on how to make use of python. Would you brain helping me please?.
TruthSeeker Scar 9, 2016 - 1:57 pm Initial of all BIG Thanks a lot to Alex fór this Python Software. It nevertheless functions. It got me a robot of function to understand what to do. So right here are usually the instructions to help others: 1) Move to the hyperlink in GitHub and obtain the script 2) improve the election.py file using notepad and get into the beliefs for pollid, answérid and numberofvotes 3) pollid and answerid can end up being thought out this way. Move to the polldaddy poll page. Click on Watch Page Resource and look for something Iike this:, whére xxxxx is definitely the real Poll #, Now, appear for something Iike this PDIanswerYYYYYYYY.
Writé down xxxxx ánd yyyyyy. They are usually the pollid and answerid respectively to become entered in the election.py file. Save the file. Make certain it will be kept as election.py document not really vote.txt file:-) 4) Now you need to download Pythón 2.7.6 for home windows - obtain it from 5) Install Python 6) now go and obtain a application called PIP.
Proceed obtain this from:.Create sure it is.py and not.txt 7) install it: c: python27 python get-pip.py 8) set up the 'demands' package deal. No need to donwload it. Chemical: python27 scripts pip install requests 9) all set now.
Start ->Python 2.7 ->Nonproductive 10) File ->Open ->vote.py 11) Run ->Work Component or push Y5 12) great fortune with your polls. Wish you earn. Thanks once again Alex. Marcos Scar 23, 2016 - 11:23 evening Do you have a tutorial to see the factors with fiddler?. Tes Monthly interest 8, 2016 - 1:54 was I have always been always obtaining the response Locked. Resting for 60 seconds., any method to solve this issue.
Maria Apr 29, 2016 - 7:13 pm Exact same as Tes, it always states it's locked. Ey April 30, 2016 - 12:23 evening Traceback (nearly all recent contact last): Document 'G: Python27 election.py', range 1, in import requests, re also, json, period ImportError: No module named demands.i dont obtain this. Alex May 2, 2016 - 10:00 pm @Marcos: You shouldn't need Fiddler. You should be able to get the details from the web site by simply checking the Code. TruthSeeker'h opinion should become enough to discover it if my post was not. @Ey, you require to include the requests module.
Operate 'pip install requests', or appear upward online how to add the 'requests' component. kaliboy Might 31, 2016 - 3:29 are to install requests is certainly very easy. Merely download demands from right here Extract the downloaded diddly, find the basic of your python folder, open it - locate folder lib - duplicate the folder requests from the unzippéd folder of demands and substance in thé Lib foIder.
Facebook Hack Script Code 2017
This should now function. Doesn't issue if you are using mac pc or windows and should become the exact same thing with linux. Tag Might 31, 2016 - 11:11 feel It constantly says 'Locked'.
Tag Might 31, 2016 - 11:14 am Any option for 'Locked' message?? It don't vote. Tim doerr Jul 5, 2016 - 9:11 pm anyone serious in helping me on poly vote. Well worth 50.00 via PayPal. Marcos Jul 16, 2016 - 3:26 pm The code works but does not increase the votes in the poIl.
shibabz Sep 2, 2016 - 2:24 feel give thanks to you. Sep 27, 2016 - 1:00 pm awesome! Anyway we could set this to get rid of a vote for a given entrance? Lol. B March 5, 2016 - 10:06 evening I'michael obtaining this error.
I'meters a complete noob. Trying to understand.
Hope somebody can help. I adopted truthseeker kaliboy instructions. I'meters not positive I set up PIP requests package correctly. I simply copied pasted it in the spot they said to?
Any help would end up being greatly appreciated. Python 2.7.6 (default, November 10 2013, 19:24:24) MSC v.1500 64 little bit (AMD64) on win32 Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'permit' for more info. >>>RESTART >>>Traceback (most recent call last): File 'G: Customers msusprtn Desktop computer election1.py', series 100, in getallproxies Document 'C: Users msusprtn Desktop computer vote1.py', line 31, in getallproxies f = open up('proxy.txt', 'ur') IOError: Errno 2 No like file or directory: 'proxy.txt' >>>. girl Oct 24, 2016 - 7:31 evening I believe people are usually obtaining the secured message because their ip tackle has currently been utilized as soon as and PollDaddy is usually blocking it on the 2nd use of that IP. Try using a VPN to obtain a fresh IP and try operating the code again.
It will vote as soon as and secure thereafter. I believed the the proxy.txt document would obtain around this obstruction but it looks like PollDaddy will be overlooking the proxy ip's in the text message document. A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:59 are hello, i'meters getting this mistake information: 'Secured. Sleeping for 60 seconds.' After 60 secs, the same thing occurs.
I'meters not as well sure why it's i9000 doing this. I pondered if it had been to perform with cookies, so i removed all of thosé, but the issue persists. I value all the work you've performed already, but if you got the period to assist an fool that would end up being very significantly appreciated. A friend Nov 3, 2016 - 7:39 pm hello again. I spent some even more time looking at this nowadays. I noticed that the próxy.txt and uséragent.txt files on my pc didn'capital t fit the types on github (in fact, they were the same). I acquired right-clicked ánd saved-ás, but this wásn't a great idea.
I went into the 'raw' tab for each txt document on github and copy and pasted those values into the txt files on my pc, expecting to become triumphal. I nevertheless get the exact same problem. shibabz December 6, 2016 - 11:54 in the morning im obtaining secured for 60 secs after effectively voted (time 1). Is definitely there a way to make this function?.
Polldaddy Hack V2
The Doctor December 6, 2016 - 1:21 evening Syntax mistake invalid syntax line 5. Destiny December 26, 2016 - 5:47 i am Thanks a lot for the script. To create it work in python3, we need to modify xrange to range. We also require to modify the ranges involving print out. Printing'ABCDEFG' need to be transformed to printing('ABCDEFG').
ROSIE Dec 27, 2016 - 12:19 was how to circumvent the time if poll dad provides lapse period before you cán revote?. Midhun Jan 16, 2017 - 2:28 was can we use this script by enhancing parameters for this site. Jimmy Jack Jan 25, 2017 - 4:33 evening Thanks! Works well using your directions mixed with TruthSeeker's i9000 post. Does the script by default period through the proxiés and useragents? Cán I add proxies to the TXT file? Also observed I can just vote 25 instances and after that it seals it out for about 180 mere seconds.